Thursday | Sept. 4 | 7:30pm
Lawrence Arts Center
Main Theater 

We cannot thank the Lawrence Arts Center enough for their support and partnering with the American Fusion Project. Although our time was short in Lawrence, we were still able to connect with both high schools and the Lawrence Arts Center Pre-School the day of the show. Here is our snapshot of our time in Lawrence:

School Workshops:
1 Orchestra
2 Choir
1 Dance
2 Pre-school

Audience Participants: 240 out of 250 
A special thanks to the LAC staff and tech crew, we really enjoyed our time at LAC and working with you! A very special thanks to Jack and Jane Gaumnitz fo their financial support. 

We hope you enjoy a few images and a few clips of video footage from our time in Lawrence!



The Lawrence Arts Center
940 New Hampshire St
Lawrence, KS 66044